Difference Between Formula and Function in MS Excel

MS Excel Formula and Function

The ability to perform calculations with Excel formulas is one of the purposes of using a spreadsheet application. Some examples of the types of calculations that can be performed with MS Excel formulas are Totals, Subtotals, Average, Standard deviation etc.
In Microsoft Excel, the calculation can be performed using either a formula or a function. The question then is what are formulas and functions?

In this session, I am going to take you through everything you need to know with respect to the difference between MS Excel formulas and MS Excel functions.

MS Excel Formulas

An Excel formula is a self-defined instruction for performing calculations. Excel spreadsheet formulas include the addresses of the cells whose values will be manipulated with appropriate operands placed in between. The operands are the standard arithmetic operators. The following mathematical operators can be used in a formula for excel calculations:
 +       -      *      /      ^      % 

Examples of valid formulas for excel “=C3+C4+C5+C6”, “=A7ˆA9”, “=B3%” etc.

MS Excel Functions

MS Excel function is a pre-defined or pre-written formula that has been programmed as part of the MS Excel software. They are made up of a vast library of words that can be used in addition to other elements to create advanced excel formulas for calculations. In addition to entering formulas that perform basic mathematical computations such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, you can use a vast library of built-in commands or worksheet functions in Microsoft Excel to do much more.

Excel functions can be used to return information like;
Getting the today’s date and time, Finding the number of characters in a cell, Manipulating text; for example, joining "Cobby" and "Page" together as "Cobby Page" in another cell, Calculating tax, interest, discount or even loan payment finding the difference between dates or even comparing the contents of two cells to see which is larger or if they are identical.

Functions are used to create advanced Excel formulas. The functions are in groups such as AutoSum, Logical, Text, Date & Time, Math & Trig, Statistical etc. Some of the functions are NOW(), SUM(), AVERAGE(), CHAR(), CODE(), SQRT(), COUNT(), IF() etc.

How to use formula in Excel

Functions are way different from formulas. After typing the equal sign, you then provide the cell addresses and not arithmetic operators. Calculations are performed by using arguments in an order called Syntax. When using an MS Excel functions, remember the following:
  • Use an equal sign to begin the formula.
  • Specify the name of the function to be used. In Excel, as soon as you start typing the name, it suggests names that begin with the typed characters.
  • Enclose the function’s arguments in brackets.
  • Use a comma to separate the function’s individual arguments or colon for a range of items.

  • =SUM(B2:F2) means
  • The equal sign begins the function.
  • SUM is the name of the function.
  • B2 and F2 are the arguments.
  • The brackets enclose all of the arguments.
  • Colon separates the arguments.

MS Excel functions are used to create advanced Excel formulas for calculations. Take a look at the examples below:


You can observe from the above example that, the introduction of function makes the formula look advanced, simple and professional.

I hope you find this tutorial helpful. Feel free to comment below with questions or suggestions. Enjoy…

Level: Beginner


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