How To Make Disco Keyboard Lights With Notepad

Make Disco Keyboard Lights With Notepad

Keyboards normally come with 3 different LEDs to indicate which lock (s) is or are activated or not. Here is one of the notepad tricks that can tweak your keyboard light in an originative or creative manner. This notepad trick works in Windows XP through to Windows 8.

We are going to use a VBScript to make the LEDs for Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock flash in a rhythmic way like a live “disco keyboard” light on your keyboard.

You don’t need to be a computer programmer, geek or even a hacker to be able to use this trick. No programming language is required to do this. The only thing you will need is a notepad to create this led disco lights on your keyboard.

Just follow these simple steps to create the vbs file.

Open the notepad
Copy the vbs program code below and paste them in your notepad
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

Save it as a vbs file like xxxxx.vbs (where xxxxx is any name of your choice but .vbs is a must. That’s the extension of the VBScript we’re using)

Now to run this vbs file, double click on the file and your LEDs will be blinking like the disco lights.

The only known disadvantage of these vbscripts is that, if you try to type in any editor, it toggles the cases since caps lock is blinking and makes the Shift key inactive as well

If you want to disable it, start Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del), under the details tab Select wscript.exe And Click End task button

I hope you found this tutorial interesting and helpful. Let’s get interactive by dropping your questions and suggestions in the comments box below. Enjoy!!! 
